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01782 577000

Corporate social responsibility

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01782 577000


Corporate social responsibility policy

The Firm is committed to a culture that recognises its responsibility to society to maintain safety and quality in all our operations. We recognise that our activities affect many people in the local community. It is our policy to carry out all measures that are reasonably practicable to seek to meet, exceed or develop all necessary requirements to minimise impact on society. We will comply with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the processes and activities of the Firm. The aims will be wherever possible to:

  • assess the environmental effects of our activities;
  • reduce the amount of waste produced;
  • reduce the consumption of raw materials, water and fuels;
  • reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to the environment;
  • limit the noise in and around the site;
  • support the activities of local organisations and businesses, thus ensuring that we continue to have a positive impact on the community both in day to day operations and in the future; and
  • we will strive to enhance environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, clients and the public. Where possible we will provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues arising from our services.
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