Pitfalls with bank accounts and savings under a financial lasting power of attorney
As an attorney under a financial lasting power of attorney (LPA), you...
If you would like more information about retrieving your documents, please contact us:
Myers & Co offers a free, secure and fire-proof facility for storing original documents, including wills and title deeds at our offices in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, to ensure your documents are kept safe until they are required.
When you have made a will or purchased a house, it is important to store your original documents in a secure location to avoid them being lost or accidentally destroyed. Documents like a will or a deed can easily be misplaced over time, such as when moving home or decluttering.
When you make your will with us, we will store your will for you free of charge. This gives you peace of mind and ensures that your will is kept safe until it is needed.
It is vital that you tell your family or executors to contact us for a copy. We can also register your will on the Certainty National Registry of Wills.
Click here for more information about Certainty.
Title deeds
If we have helped you to buy a freehold or leasehold house or apartment, we can store the title deeds at our offices for safekeeping. Title deeds are paper documents setting out the legal ownership for land and property. Title deeds are also held digitally by HM Land Registry after your ownership of the property has been registered.
Click here to request a copy of the deeds from HM Land Registry.
If you would like to retrieve your original documents from us, you must . You must include:
For a full list of accepted forms of evidence, please see our guide on Evidence of identity.
Send your request to: Myers & Co Solicitors, 33-43 Price Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 4EN. Alternatively you can email info@myerssolicitors.co.uk or complete our online enquiry form.
Information for executors
If you are the executor of a will in our storage facility, you can request the original will from us. You will need to provide:
Amending a will
Remember to keep your will up to date to reflect any changes in your circumstances. Your will becomes invalid if you divorce or re-marry after it is made. You may also want to update your will if you have had a baby or there have been significant changes in your financial circumstances.
Contact us on 01782 577000 or complete our online enquiry form to discuss updating or changing your will with our specialist wills and probate solicitors.
As an attorney under a financial lasting power of attorney (LPA), you...
A shareholders’ agreement is essential for protecting the interests of all shareholders....
Moving home is an expensive process, and buyers will always want to...