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Certainty’s National Will Register means it is easy to locate your will

22nd February 2021

Certainty’s National Will Register means it is easy to locate your will

When you have made a will, it is important to ensure that you tell your family or executors the name of your solicitor and where they will be able to find a copy. This might seem like common sense, but wills can easily be misplaced when moving home and it is surprising how many people do not make sure that it will be easy to locate their will when the time comes.

Sadly, numerous problems can arise when family members are uncertain if there is a will, or if the will that they have is the latest version, or if it is valid.  Unfortunately elder abuse is increasing, and vulnerable people are occasionally coerced into making a new will or amending an old one but proving this has happened can often be difficult.

Sometimes disputes arise over which is the most recent or valid will. Such was the case in a recent story in This is Money where someone’s stepbrother tried to exploit the probate and intestacy system in order to obtain the whole of his father’s estate instead of following the wishes set out in his father’s will.

Such problems can be avoided by registering your will with Certainty, a service which Myers & Co Solicitors offers to all its clients when they make or amend a will.

Certainty, the National Will Register, is endorsed by the Law Society, insurers, Government agencies and charities. It is the longest-established and by far the largest register in the UK (with over eight million wills registered) and is used by thousands of solicitors and will writers.

Registering your will with Certainty is uncomplicated and effective. It takes just a minute or two to record the location of your will. This ensures that if your will is lost, misplaced or forgotten over the passage of time, its location can be identified easily. Your solicitor will explain what it s involved when your will has been finalised.

For more information on making a will, contact Myers & Co Solicitors, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Staffordshire on 01782 525001 or email susan.hall@myerssolicitors.co.uk.

This article is for general information only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Please note that the law may have changed since this article was published.